Which teacher brings MAGIC to the classroom?
Which educator cares about the whole family?
Which teacher makes learning fun/has a great sense of humor?
Which educator makes sure students and their families feel heard?
Find out in Episode 3 of the Woodland Wildcast!
WMS Cares - Day of Service, May 4
Join us for the 1st outdoor community service event to "Go Green" at WMS! Lend a hand as we clean-up the building exterior and take pride in the appearance of our school. We are looking for volunteers to help plant flowers, remove weeds, mulch, landscape clean-up, painting and more!
Flyer: https://5il.co/2k13s
In celebration of National Arab American Heritage Month, the Arabic Club at WMS hosted a cultural exchange event for teachers and administrators. Guests were welcomed with Moroccan mint tea served by Mr. Aablouche, and then Arabic Club members presented insights into Arabic language and culture. The students also shared highlights from club meetings and activities throughout the year. Guests had the opportunity for hands-on learning as they were taught how to write their names in Arabic script.
We are excited to announce that five wonderful Woodland staff members will be recognized by the Lake County Regional Office of Education at their annual awards banquet on May 8!
School districts across Lake County will be sending the best of the best to this event to celebrate excellence in teaching and to recognize school district personnel who contribute to the education of our youth through their work as administrators, educators, and support staff.
Please join us in congratulating these amazing #LifeintheW team members:
💚 Amber Beutel, Educator of the Year: Diverse Learner Teacher – Primary
💚 Sherri Peck, Educator of the Year: Elementary/Early Childhood Teacher – Elementary
💚 Margarita Castrejón, Educator of the Year: Middle School Teacher – Middle School
💚 Tiffany Drake, Educator of the Year: School Administrator – Middle School
💚 Kenny Lohfink, Educational Service Personnel of the Year – Operations & Facilities
Woodland is hiring! We are looking for the next Director of Educational Services to join the #LifeintheW team. Learn more about this opportunity HERE:
The Woodland D50 Board of Education will meet on Thursday, Apr. 25, 2024.
Meeting Information & Agenda - https://www.smore.com/n/3s9kb
REMINDER! April 17 is a School Improvement Planning (SIP) Day which is an early release for students. Staff professional development will take place in the afternoon.
Calendar: https://www.dist50.net/o/dist50/page/school-year-calendar
Early Release Times:
Primary - 10:40 a.m., Elementary - 10:50 a.m., Middle School - 11:35 a.m., Intermediate - 12:20 p.m.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Woodland D50 has once again joined forces with area organizations to help raise awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month in April! We are participating in the Blue Kids Lake County Program because sharing knowledge and resources about child abuse sends the message that all children deserve a chance at a safe childhood. Thank you to Detective Hansen for creating beautiful blue pinwheel displays with Woodland students! And thank you to Woodland staff members for wearing blue today to show that we all play a role in the safety of children in our community.
Reserve Your Spot for Wildcat Summer Adventures!
Looking for something fun AND educational for your Wildcat this summer? Wildcat Summer Adventures (WSA) is Woodland's summer school program. The program runs June 11 - July 3, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (No School June 19)
Program Flyer: https://5il.co/2drlg
Registration for Wildcat Summer Adventures will be open until May 1! Log in to Skyward Family Access, and select "Online Forms" from the column on the left. Questions? Risa Cohen, rcohen@dist50.net
We are officially releasing Episode 2 of the Woodland Wildcast into the wild today!
Episode description:
Dr. Machak gets to know four Woodland educators who have something very unique in common. Listen in to hear about their favorite things to do in Gurnee, first concerts, and inspiring stories from the classroom!
Listen Here: https://woodlandwildcast.podbean.com/e/inspiring-stories-from-four-educators-with-something-unique-in-common/
Eclipse Safety & Reminder - https://www.smore.com/n/9zg4j
Includes information from the district and each school.
In January, we asked you to submit nominations for the Village of Gurnee Teacher of the Year program. From your 246 nominations, the district selected a winner from each school, and today we celebrate the Woodland D50 Teacher of the Year School Winners for the 2023 - 2024 School Year!!!
💚 Carrie Monterroso, Woodland Primary
💚 Amber Dennis, Woodland Elementary
💚 Erica Veronie, Woodland Intermediate
💚 Richard Haines, Woodland Middle School
One of these amazing educators will be selected as the District Winner and will move on to be Woodland's Gurnee Teacher of the Year!
Congratulations to all the amazing Woodland educators who were nominated this year. We appreciate you!
Woodland School Libraries/LRCs are magical places where books and resources come to life for our Wildcats. Today is School Librarian Appreciation Day, and April is School Library Month. Thank you to the Library and Learning Resource Center teams at each school for supporting literacy, helping students find new and exciting subjects to explore, and providing a wealth of resources to our learning community.
There is a group of people on the #LifeintheW team that make a world of difference in the classroom and in our learning community. They are Paraprofessionals, and today we celebrate their dedication to our schools and the compassion they show our students. They are a crucial network of support across the district, not just today, but every day. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! Happy Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!
Did you know that April 1 - 5 is National Assistant Principals Week? Please help us celebrate these amazing educators and administrators for their dedication to our students, our staff, and our schools.
They are known for being caring, supportive, creative, and energetic.
They are known for their singing, dancing, and playing.
They are known for being hands-on, available, and present.
And if there is a problem, yo they'll solve it!
Happy #APWeek to all of Woodland's Assistant Principals! Thank you for all you do.
District Offices are closed on Friday, March 29. School resumes on Monday, April 1 as our staff and students return from Spring Break.
Woodland is currently hiring for a Facilities Manager position to join the Operations & Facilities Department. One position is available now, and one position will be available in July. This is an excellent opportunity to be part of the #LifeintheW team! https://www.applitrack.com/dist50/OnlineApp/default.aspx?Category=Non-Certified+Supervisory
Wishing our Wildcat Family a happy and healthy Spring Break!
Here is the weekly newsletter with highlights from the March Board of Education Meeting and other important reminders: https://www.smore.com/n/e28a4
Mr. Taterka (WMS Assistant Principal) led a great seminar today for 6th graders on the topic of Bullying Prevention. The presentation was designed to provide an overview of what is considered bullying, expectations at Woodland Middle School, and things that everyone can do to help prevent bullying in our learning community. The students were then asked to personally reflect on examples of times when they were impacted by bullying, or when they witnessed other bullying behaviors among their peers.
Wildcat Volleyball Conference Champions for the boys too!
8th Grade Boys Green - 1st Place
7th Grade Boys Green - 1st Place
Way to go Wildcats 💚🏐