Look which two teams faced each other in the final game to play for the Conference Championships - Woodland White and Woodland Green! Congratulations to 8th Grade Girls White for 1st Place, and to 8th Grade Girls Green for 2nd Place. Wildcat Volleyball can't be beat! 🤍💚🏐
Introducing the brand new Woodland Wildcast - A #LifeintheW Podcast!!!
This is the very first episode and we are so excited to share it with you. https://woodlandwildcast.podbean.com/
Host: Dr. Robert Machak, Superintendent of Schools
Guest: Anna Chang-Yen, Board of Education President
Topic: Reflections on the development of Woodland School District's Five-Year Strategic Plan, a plan that focuses on the people that make up our #LifeintheW learning community.
Thank you to the Woodland Middle School Jazz Band for providing us with music for our Wildcast, and to the 4th grade class at Woodland Intermediate who open the Wildcast with enthusiastic cheering - "Let's Go!"
Please let us know what you think. What other topics would you like to hear about on future episodes? Send Feedback to Bhagstrom@dist50.net
Congratulations to the WMS Science Olympiad Team for placing 3rd at Regionals, and moving on to STATE for the 6th season in a row! The varsity team won medals in 15 events, with four 1st Place medals. Good luck at State! #LifeintheW
Ramadan Mubarak! Mr. Aablouche shared photos from the Arabic Club meeting at WMS where the students were preparing for Ramadan. During this session, the group explored new Arabic words, practiced Arabic writing, and discussed the importance of cultural traditions related to the month of Ramadan.
Woodland Middle School Career Talks! The Spanish Language Arts Team invited parents and community members to come to school and talk with some of our 7th Graders about their careers. They talked about what they do day-to-day, but also talked about how they got started in their career. They shared tips and suggestions about the types of skills students can begin working on now, and different fields of study or career paths to explore in high school and beyond.
Thank you to the guest speakers for inspiring our students, and for demonstrating the strength of our community by having many different people serving in a wide variety of careers.
Not all of the guest speakers are pictured here, but here is a list of some of the careers that were represented:
-ICU Nurse
-Police Officers
-Business owner
-Community engagement director for a non profit
-Developer of business/finance
-Speech pathologist
-Federal contracting officer for U.S department of Veteran Affairs/15 year experience in the Marine Corps
-Assistant Principal (Woodland Elementary)
-Local Family Owned Business
School Social Work Week, March 3 - 9, 2024!
Please join us in recognizing the impactful work Woodland social workers do to create positive, inclusive, and supportive learning environments for our students. School social workers play a pivotal role in enhancing the well-being and success of students across the nation, and here at Woodland.
Thank you for taking care of our #LifeintheW Family!
Check out this recent collaboration between the Woodland Middle School Black Student Leaders Club and CLC's Black Student Union leaders! Thank you to Dan, Chris and Rose for speaking with our students about their career goals and providing advice on how to achieve those goals. The group also talked about black culture and black history, and how to make positive change within our school and communities. Ms. Summers-Lemoine reported that the students loved this collaboration and they are looking forward to a continued partnership with CLC's Black Student Union, and other school/community groups in the area.
Happening Now! Teen Technology Use and Misuse with Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Eau Clair, and the Cyberbullying Research Center. Learn more about Parent University on the district website: https://www.dist50.net/page/parent-university
Thank you to those that have taken the Illinois 5Essentials Survey already! There is still time: https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent
Here is Woodland's Parent/Guardian response rate so far:
Woodland Primary: 20%
Woodland Elementary: 18%
Woodland Intermediate: 25%
Woodland Middle School: 18%
This feedback is very meaningful to us, and we appreciate you helping us reach that 20% threshold! As a reminder, we need to reach a minimum of 20% at each school in order to receive the survey results.
Join us for the next BPAC Meeting!
Date: Wednesday, March 13
Time: 7 - 8 p.m.
Location: Woodland Middle School (Library)
Presentation: Social Media and Teens
Presented by School Resource Detective Kelly Hansen Gurnee Police Department (it will be interpreted into Spanish).
The monthly Board of Education meeting always starts with celebrations as a way to recognize the achievements of Woodland staff and students, and/or to highlight a special program or group. At the February meeting, the Woodland Intermediate Spelling Bee winner and finalists led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance, Woodland Elementary students sang "Life Every Voice and Sing" in honor of Black History Month, and some of Woodland's Parent Mentors presented on the growth of the Parent Mentor program!
Woodland D50's Black Dads Rock Panel at the Black History Month Celebration at the Warren Newport Public Library!
A wonderful celebration of art, music, poetry, dancing and community! Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Black History Month Community Celebration at the Warren Newport Library in Gurnee.
The Board of Education is reviewing a draft calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Dr. Machak is inviting Woodland D50 families to weigh in on the February "mini-break" and the School Improvement Planning (SIP) Day schedule. Read his letter in the weekly newsletter and take the survey: https://www.smore.com/gm4h3
Thank you for your feedback!
Congratulations to the Exchange Club of Gurnee Young Citizenship Award Recipients!
Ella V., 8th Grade, Woodland Middle School
Darious V., 5th Grade, Woodland Intermediate
Remember how the Gurnee Police Department was asking for help from the community to make Valentine's Day cards for seniors? Yesterday was delivery day! National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) Officers had the honor of delivering the hand-made cards alongside district and community leaders. Everyone was feeling the love on Valentine's Day.
Love in the breakfast line at WMS!
The Positive Culture Club (with help from 8th grade classes, art students, and special education classes) decorated breakfast bags to spread Valentine's Day kindness through food. Thank you to Arbor for allowing the students to decorate the breakfast bags, and to our students for adding sunshine to our day. #LifeintheW
These Wildcats have talent! Congratulations to all the WMS Talent Show contestants for putting on a GREAT show.
And the winners are...
1st place- The Woodland Drumline (6, 7, & 8th grades)
2nd place- Fode T. (7th grade)
3rd place tie- Luna G. (8th grade) and Serenity H. (7th grade)
Thank you First Responders!
Woodland sends a big thank you to the Lake County Sheriff's Office, the Gurnee Police Department, and the Gurnee Fire Department for their support and guidance during our annual safety drills. Building relationships with local first responders is an important part of our safety plans.
Caring 4 Kids Clothing Drive
Morgan Ghys, Miss Northern Illinois’ Teen (and former Woodland student) needs your help! Morgan has partnered with Caring 4 Kids to do a Clothing Drive for kids in the community. She is collecting new and gently used clothing for kids including sweatshirts, crewnecks, sweatpants, and leggings to keep kids warm and comfortable. (Youth sizes 5 / 6 up to 16)
There are collection boxes at each school, and in the district office. We are accepting donations through Friday, Feb. 23.