Woodland School Libraries/LRCs are magical places where books and resources come to life for our Wildcats. Today is School Librarian Appreciation Day, and April is School Library Month. Thank you to the Library and Learning Resource Center teams at each school for supporting literacy, helping students find new and exciting subjects to explore, and providing a wealth of resources to our learning community.
9 months ago, Woodland D50
April is School Library Month and April 4 is Librarian Appreciation Day
School Library Month Thank you to the Library and LRC teams at each school
There is a group of people on the #LifeintheW team that make a world of difference in the classroom and in our learning community. They are Paraprofessionals, and today we celebrate their dedication to our schools and the compassion they show our students. They are a crucial network of support across the district, not just today, but every day. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! Happy Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!
9 months ago, Woodland D50
Woodland Celebrates Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!
Did you know that April 1 - 5 is National Assistant Principals Week? Please help us celebrate these amazing educators and administrators for their dedication to our students, our staff, and our schools. They are known for being caring, supportive, creative, and energetic. They are known for their singing, dancing, and playing. They are known for being hands-on, available, and present. And if there is a problem, yo they'll solve it! Happy #APWeek to all of Woodland's Assistant Principals! Thank you for all you do.
9 months ago, Woodland D50
Primary Assistant Principals
Elementary Assistant Principals
Intermediate Assistant Principals
WMS Assistant Principals
District Offices are closed on Friday, March 29. School resumes on Monday, April 1 as our staff and students return from Spring Break.
10 months ago, Woodland D50
Woodland is currently hiring for a Facilities Manager position to join the Operations & Facilities Department. One position is available now, and one position will be available in July. This is an excellent opportunity to be part of the #LifeintheW team! https://www.applitrack.com/dist50/OnlineApp/default.aspx?Category=Non-Certified+Supervisory
10 months ago, Woodland D50
Now Hiring: Facilities Manager
Wishing our Wildcat Family a happy and healthy Spring Break! Here is the weekly newsletter with highlights from the March Board of Education Meeting and other important reminders: https://www.smore.com/n/e28a4
10 months ago, Woodland D50
Spring Break: No School March 22, and Spring Break is March 25-29
Celebrating Women's History Month with a wonderful panel of speakers today at Woodland Intermediate. These incredible women leaders shared information about their life experiences and provided helpful tips and suggestions for overcoming challenges. They connected their path to leadership with the people who inspired them, and the things they were passionate about. They also shared meaningful advice about knowing your own worth and not letting others opinions hold you back. Women's History Month Panelists: Kristina Whitmore, Vice President of Operations Northwestern Medicine Judge Randie Bruno, 19th Judicial Circuit Court Dr. Lanée Walls, Woodland Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Holly Kim, Lake County Treasurer Detective Kelly Hansen, Gurnee Police Department, Woodland SRO Moderator: Michelle Mallari, Assistant Principal at Woodland Intermediate Event Organizers: Pam Valkenaar and Jessica Pierson
10 months ago, Woodland D50
Women's History Month Panel at Intermediate March 2024
Women's History Month Panel at Intermediate March 2024
Women's History Month Panel at Intermediate March 2024
Women's History Month Panel at Intermediate March 2024
Women's History Month Panel at Intermediate March 2024
Women's History Month Panel at Intermediate March 2024
Women's History Month Panel at Intermediate March 2024
Women's History Month Panel at Intermediate March 2024
Today is World Down Syndrome Day, 3/21 Natalie and her teachers are wearing pretty cool shirts to raise awareness about World Down Syndrome Day, and we have seen LOTS OF SOCKS throughout our schools. People are encouraged to wear silly/crazy/colorful socks on WDSD to get people talking. The idea is to start a conversation, so when people ask you about your socks you can tell them, “I’m wearing them to raise awareness of Down syndrome”. The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. For World Down Syndrome Day 2024, the call to action for people around the world is to End The Stereotypes.
10 months ago, Woodland D50
Three Woodland Intermediate Teachers and one student wear shirts to raise awareness about World Down Syndrome Day- March 21,  2024
Find the new edition of the Parent Newsletter Here: https://www.smore.com/n/fr784 Tim "Intramural Sign Ups" Sheldon Intermediate "are included in this edition!" School
10 months ago, Tim Sheldon
Introducing the brand new Woodland Wildcast - A #LifeintheW Podcast!!! This is the very first episode and we are so excited to share it with you. https://woodlandwildcast.podbean.com/ Host: Dr. Robert Machak, Superintendent of Schools Guest: Anna Chang-Yen, Board of Education President Topic: Reflections on the development of Woodland School District's Five-Year Strategic Plan, a plan that focuses on the people that make up our #LifeintheW learning community. Thank you to the Woodland Middle School Jazz Band for providing us with music for our Wildcast, and to the 4th grade class at Woodland Intermediate who open the Wildcast with enthusiastic cheering - "Let's Go!" Please let us know what you think. What other topics would you like to hear about on future episodes? Send Feedback to Bhagstrom@dist50.net
10 months ago, Woodland D50
Woodland Wildcast - A #LifeintheW podcast
WMS Jazz Band
WMS Jazz Band
WMS Jazz Band
WMS Jazz Band
WMS Jazz Band
WMS Jazz Band
Happy Pi Day! We celebrated Pi Day with a Pi Poster Contest. Our winner was from Mrs. Werner's 5th grade class! Congratulations!
10 months ago, Woodland Intermediate
Pi poster with facts
Large collection of pi posters
Student in the hall look8ng at the pi posters.
Student holding an apple pie.
Here is the latest Intermediate Newsletter https://www.smore.com/n/fr784 Tim "the middle name thing," Sheldon Intermediate "is getting old, but still take the 5Essentials survey" Principal https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent
10 months ago, Tim Sheldon
PBIS in Action! Today we celebrated our amazing student behavior with a movie & popcorn reward AND our Trimester 2 ROAR raffle! Thank you to our PBIS team for palanning and hosting these events!
10 months ago, Woodland Intermediate
Trimester 2 Student Leaders
PBIS Team photo
Popcorn reward table
Popcorn machine
Tri 2 Raffle
Student watching a movie
What a great way to end Read Across America Week! Take a stroll through our halls and check out our literacy-themed door decorations! Special congratulations to 4th Dual teacher, Ms. Syverud and her students- their colorful door won our raffle!
10 months ago, Woodland Intermediate
4 decorated classroom doors.
6 decorated classroom doors.
7 decorated classroom doors.
6 decorated classroom doors.
4 decorated classroom doors.
7 decorated classroom doors.
8 decorated classroom doors.4 decorated classroom doors.
8 decorated classroom doors.
School Social Work Week, March 3 - 9, 2024! Please join us in recognizing the impactful work Woodland social workers do to create positive, inclusive, and supportive learning environments for our students. School social workers play a pivotal role in enhancing the well-being and success of students across the nation, and here at Woodland. Thank you for taking care of our #LifeintheW Family!
10 months ago, Woodland D50
School Social Work Week, March 3 - 9, 2024
Principal Parent Newsletter 3-1-24 https://www.smore.com/n/fr784 Tim "We surveyed 100 people, 59 said take the 5Essentials Survey," Sheldon Intermediate "and the other 62 said to double check my math". Principal https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent
10 months ago, Tim Sheldon
We are seeing STARS 🤩 Woodland Intermediate Presents Dear Edwina Jr. Feb. 29 & Mar. 1 SPOILER ALERT: This is going to be a GREAT show!
11 months ago, Woodland D50
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Dear Edwina Jr - Woodland Intermediate Spring Musical
Happening Now! Teen Technology Use and Misuse with Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Eau Clair, and the Cyberbullying Research Center. Learn more about Parent University on the district website: https://www.dist50.net/page/parent-university
11 months ago, Woodland D50
Parenting in the Digital Age
Thank you to those that have taken the Illinois 5Essentials Survey already! There is still time: https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent Here is Woodland's Parent/Guardian response rate so far: Woodland Primary: 20% Woodland Elementary: 18% Woodland Intermediate: 25% Woodland Middle School: 18% This feedback is very meaningful to us, and we appreciate you helping us reach that 20% threshold! As a reminder, we need to reach a minimum of 20% at each school in order to receive the survey results.
11 months ago, Woodland D50
Take the 2023-2024 Illinois 5Essentials Survey
Here is our Principal Parent Newsletter 2-23-24 https://www.smore.com/fr784 Tim "It's very, very, very, very, very Essential (5Essentials one might say)," Sheldon Intermediate "that you take this survey" Principal https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent
11 months ago, Tim Sheldon