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Veronika Doherty
Middle School
Shamauria Young
Middle School
Karen Cassity
Registered Nurse
Middle School
Samuel Gatyas
Success Center Counselor
Middle School
Sonia Villarreal-Orson
Assistant Principal/Special Education Supervisor
Middle School
Alan Tiscareno Jaime
Hall Monitor
Middle School
Jean Hengesh
Building Secretary
Middle School
Devon Berge
8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Middle School
Brenda Stolle
Interim Assistant Principal
Middle School
Said Aablouche
Middle School
Sabreen Abedrabo
6th MA - Dual
Middle School
Darcy Abrams
Middle School
Lisa Adams
7th LA - Dual
Middle School
Teresa Aguero
Front Desk Clerk
Middle School
Nicoletta Allanson
Social Work
Middle School
Timi Allegretti
7th LA - Dual
Middle School
Magali Alonso
Social Work
Middle School
Tessa Ancona
7th LA
Middle School
Sharon Anday
8th SC
Middle School
Eileen Andrews
Middle School