Caring 4 Kids Clothing Drive Morgan Ghys, Miss Northern Illinois’ Teen (and former Woodland student) needs your help! Morgan has partnered with Caring 4 Kids to do a Clothing Drive for kids in the community. She is collecting new and gently used clothing for kids including sweatshirts, crewnecks, sweatpants, and leggings to keep kids warm and comfortable. (Youth sizes 5 / 6 up to 16) There are collection boxes at each school, and in the district office. We are accepting donations through Friday, Feb. 23.
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Morgan G drops off clothing drive collection boxes at each school
Donate New or Gently Used Sweats, Leggings, Hoodies and other comfy clothes to support kids in need by Friday, Feb. 23
ANNOUNCEMENT: Special Concert on Friday, Feb. 2! Join the WMS Jazz Band for NOLA Jazz Night featuring music in the style of the brass bands from New Orleans. 7: 30 p.m. - Woodland Jazz Band 8:15 p.m. - Special Guests, The Extra Crispy Brass Band The Extra Crispy Brass Band is from Milwaukee, WI and they will be doing a clinic with the Woodland jazz band before the concert. ECBB seeks to spread the joy of New Orleans brass band music to as many youngsters as possible in hopes that they will continue the legacy of this unique form of jazz.
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
NOLA Jazz Night, Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m. with special guests The Extra Crispy Brass Band
Feb. 1, 2024 - Good morning Woodland Stakeholders. Please read this Community Safety Alert from Dr. Machak. English: Spanish:
about 1 year ago, Brooke Hagstrom
Important Information from Woodland D50
Woodland Middle School Presents: A Wrinkle in Time! Jan. 26 & 27, 6:30 p.m.
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
WMS Presents A Wrinkle in Time. Jan. 26 & 27, 6:30 p.m.
A Woodland family sent in a photo and positive praise for their bus driver today. Thank you for taking the time on a very hectic morning to send in a happy note! 💚 "I wanted to say thank you for taking such wonderful care of the kids today and having their safety as a priority. Walking up to the bus I could feel the warmth coming from the bus so the kids were comfortable and greeted with a smiling bus driver."
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
A Woodland Family waits for the school bus
At the Bilingual Parent Advisory (BPAC) Meeting last week, Nicasa Behavioral Health Services gave a presentation called "Prevention Talk" to teach parents and caregivers about trends in drug use and the dangers of substance use in youth. The presentation featured a mock teenage bedroom simulation to show parents what to look for in their child's bedroom called "Stay Out of My Room!" While the parents attended the presentation, the kids completed winter crafts with some of our Dual Language teachers. It was a great turnout!
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
winter crafts
Winter Crafts
Jan. 17, 2024 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Jan. 17, 2024 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Jan. 17, 2024 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Jan. 17, 2024 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Jan. 17, 2024 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Jan. 17, 2024 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Jan. 17, 2024 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Jan. 17, 2024 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Revised 2023-2024 Calendar: Emergency Closure Make-up Days Please note this change to the last day of school: June 3 & 4 were originally scheduled to be Early Release Days, and those will now be full student attendance days. June 5 will now be a SIP Day Early Release. June 6 will now be a Half Day In-Service Early Release, and the last day of school (assuming no additional Emergency Days are used).
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Revised Calendar: Emergency Closure Make-up Dates
The Gurnee Police Department is collecting Valentine Cards for Seniors in the community. Today, several WMS NJHS students created Valentine Collections Boxes during their lunch period. Woodland students across the district will be making cards over the next few weeks. If you want to help spread the love, you are welcome to submit cards too! #LifeintheW
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Officer Hansen works with WMS students to create collection boxes for Valentine Cards for Seniors
Valentine Card Collection for Seniors with the Gurnee Police Department
Officer Hansen works with WMS students to create collection boxes for Valentine Cards for Seniors
Officer Hansen works with WMS students to create collection boxes for Valentine Cards for Seniors
REMINDER: Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) Meeting, Jan. 17! The next BPAC meeting is Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. at Woodland Intermediate School. Nicasa Behavioral Health Services will provide a presentation called "Prevention Talk" to teach parents and caregivers about trends in drug use and the dangers of substance use in youth. The presentation features a mock teenage bedroom simulation to show parents what to look for in their child's bedroom called "Stay Out of My Room!" Children are welcome to attend and create winter crafts with Woodland Dual Language teachers while parents attend the presentation.
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
BPAC Meeting Flyer in English
BPAC Meeting Flyer in Spanish
Many district staff members were on site over the past few days to make sure our buildings, grounds, and buses are operational to bring staff and students back safely on Wednesday. ❄️ Our Transportation staff was in on Monday & Tuesday to clean off the buses, get them running, and to check that all safety equipment is working properly. To operate buses, we need to make sure the stop arm can extend when needed, safety lights and features are working as expected, and that the heat on the buses is working. ❄️ The Operations & Facilities team worked throughout the closure to clear parking lots and stay on top of the snowfall. Once the snow cleanup was done, their response then turned to making sure all building systems were operational, including heat, water, and electricity. They also had to be on site for a sprinkler system malfunction at Intermediate to clean up any water related mess or damage. This burst sprinkler head had only minor implications to specific areas of Intermediate, and due to their diligent work, will not impact school on Wednesday. ❄️ Our Technology Department was also on site each day to troubleshoot disruptions to our network and any other technical components that our school district relies on to keep school running smoothly. Thank you for always showing up, even in the worst conditions, to keep us safe! #LifeintheW
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Thank you for keeping us safe in the "W"!
Woodland Schools Will Be Open on Wednesday, Jan. 17 Thank you for your patience and flexibility over the past few days while we have been responding to the winter weather impacting our area. This message is to let you know that we planning for a full in-person return to school on Wednesday, Jan. 17. Additional Information:
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Dressing for Cold Weather from the National Weather Service
Woodland schools and offices will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024 due to extreme temperatures and dangerous windchill. Please read the full message for additional information HERE:
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Important Information regarding weather related school closure for Jan. 16, 2024
Dear Woodland Families, Due to the winter weather impacting our area, all Woodland schools and offices will be closed on Friday, Jan. 12, 2024. This will be a traditional snow day/emergency closure; an eLearning Day will NOT be used. As a reminder, the district is also closed on Monday, Jan. 15 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Read the Full Message: Thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, Dr. Robert Machak, Superintendent Woodland D50
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Winter Storm Warning, Status Update
Woodland D50 update regarding the Winter Storm Warning - Jan. 11, 2024
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Important Update from Woodland
One of our most favorite ways to kick-off a new year is by celebrating Woodland's amazing educators! #LifeintheW We are now accepting nominations for the Village of Gurnee Teacher of the Year program! Based on your nominations, we will select a winner from each school, and an overall district winner. Recognition and celebration for the winners will take place later this spring, but the deadline for submissions is Jan. 29. Learn more:
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Who will be Teacher of the Year for the 2023-2024 School Year? Nominate someone today!
Support the Woodland PTA 50 with a stop at Wendy's on Tuesday, Jan. 9! Join us tomorrow for our first 2nd Tuesday Fundraiser of 2024! From 5-8p Wendy's on Grand will give back 30% of their sales when you show the Woodland PTA flyer and mention us at the register. Thank you for your support!
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Wendy's Fundraiser for the Woodland PTA. Jan. 9, 5 - 8 p.m. at the Gurnee Wendy's. Must show flyer and mention Woodland PTA
Wendy's Fundraiser for the Woodland PTA. Jan. 9, 5 - 8 p.m. at the Gurnee Wendy's. Must show flyer and mention Woodland PTA
The WMS 6th/7th Cheerleading Squad performed two halftime cheers at the College of Lake County Women's Basketball game this weekend. They did such a great job performing and representing Woodland! 💚🏀
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
WMS Cheerleaders perform at half time of the CLC Women's Basketball Game in January 2024
WMS Cheerleaders perform at half time of the CLC Women's Basketball Game in January 2024
WMS Cheerleaders perform at half time of the CLC Women's Basketball Game in January 2024
WMS Cheerleaders perform at half time of the CLC Women's Basketball Game in January 2024
Happy New Year Wildcats! We hope you are enjoying your winter break. The district office is open and we are here if you need us. Otherwise, please continue relaxing and recharging your batteries for a few more days. We look forward to welcoming our teachers back on Jan. 8 for a Teacher Institute Day (no student attendance), and our students back on Jan. 9. We are Ready to ROAR in '24! #LifeintheW
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Happy New Year Woodland Wildcats! 2024
Wishing you a Warm and Wonderful Winter Break! Read the final newsletter of 2023 (includes highlight from the Board of Education Meeting, and information about the next Parent University Event) We hope that you have a relaxing winter break, and that you come back Ready to Road in '24!
about 1 year ago, Woodland D50
Dec. 22 - Jan. 5 - Winter Break (all District Schools and Offices will be closed between December 22 and January 2) Jan. 8 - Teacher Institute Day, No Student Attendance Jan. 9 - School Resumes
Woodland D50 Board of Education Meeting: Dec. 21, 2023
about 1 year ago, Brooke Hagstrom
Life in the W News