Life in the W News

Opportunity to Get Involved: New Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee
Dr. Machak, in conjunction with the Woodland CCSD 50 Board of Education, is looking for parents, teachers, and community members to join us as participants in a new district-wide standing Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee. This committee, which we envision meeting quarterly beginning with the second quarter of the 2023-24 school year, will assist and support school and District administration in making recommendations to the Board of Education in several important aspects of school and District culture, including:

  • development of student behavior policies and procedures
  • administration of medication in the school
  • reciprocal reporting between the School District and local law enforcement agencies
  • student discipline and misconduct
  • school bus safety procedures
  • use of behavioral interventions

This committee will meet in the Oak Room at the Educational Support Center from 6 - 7 p.m. on the following dates (all Mondays): November 6, February 12, and May 20. We are hoping to assemble a group that represents the needs of each of our four schools and is representative of the demographic makeup of our district’s student population. If you are interested in participating on this committee, please email Yuliana Yucus at or call (847) 596-5601.