Woodland Adopts New Five-Year Strategic Plan

Brave, Bold, Courageous

Woodland D50 is excited to present the new 2023-2028 Strategic Plan! (English / Spanish) This plan was built under the direction and guidance of the Woodland D50 Board of Education, and managed internally by a team of district administrators. What makes this Strategic Plan unique to the Woodland learning community however are the collective voices that are reflected throughout the goals and priorities.

The Board began discussions about creating a new Strategic Plan for the district in July 2022. After hearing from three potential strategic plan facilitators in October, the Board decided to have district administrators lead the planning process with support from a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) consultant. From there, the Board and district administrators worked together in goal setting sessions to lay the groundwork for the new plan.

Starting in December, we invited Woodland stakeholders to add their voice to the conversation through a series of nine ThoughtExchange virtual forums to help identify overarching themes and big ideas for the future of Woodland. The data from the staff, student, and community input was then shared with the Board of Education to help design a series of community workshops to bring those big ideas into sharper focus. From there, a dedicated group of 70+ stakeholders gathered for four nights of committee work to draft the goals and outcomes that make up the plan.

Woodland invites the community to help Woodland D50 make this plan a reality by getting involved, asking about our progress, and offering your suggestions to keep us moving forward. This plan belongs to all of us.

Review the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan English / Spanish

Reports to the Woodland Board of Education: Strategic Plan Progress Updates

Strategic Plan Cover

Woodland Wildcast - A #LifeintheW Podcast

Woodland Wildcast - A #LifeintheW Podcast

  • Host: Dr. Robert Machak, Superintendent of Schools, Woodland D50

  • Guest: Anna Chang-Yen, President, Woodland Board of Education

  • Topic: Reflections on the development of Woodland School District's Five-Year Strategic Plan, a plan that focuses on the people that make up our #LifeintheW learning community.

Development of the Five-Year Strategic Plan: Timeline

The Woodland D50 Board of Education worked with district stakeholders to create a new Strategic Plan for 2023 - 2028. 

Here is a general outline of the development process:

  • November/December 2022 - The Board of Education invited Woodland Stakeholder to provide feedback through a series of Thought Exchange questions to help identify themes and priority areas. The questions centered around Values & Priorities, Preparing Students for the Future, and the Climate & Culture of the district. Staff, students, and district families were invited to participate and we received more than 1,500 thoughts and ideas.

  • January 2023: The Board of Education met to discuss progress from the previous strategic plan, and review data and analysis from district and school administrators, as well as review the feedback from district stakeholders. The members used this information to identify goal areas to provide direction and parameters for the overall strategic planning process. Meeting Notice.

  • January 2023: The first meeting in January with stakeholders was a kickoff meeting to conduct an analysis of data collected from stakeholder feedback, as well as an analysis of current realities and progress made from the previous strategic plan.

Meeting Resources:
Meeting Notice
January 25 Meeting Presentation English / Spanish
District Background Information and Data English / Spanish
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) from Participants

  • February 2023: In February, the committees met to roll up their sleeves and do the heavy lifting of creating the goals and success criteria that make up the majority of the Strategic Plan. This work included a progression of how each goal will be tracked throughout the five years of the plan, as well as measuring each goal through a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens.

Meeting Resources:
SMARTIE Goals and Equity Questions

  • March 2023: Finally, the committees gathered one last time in March to review a final draft of the plan to see how all of the work from the previous meetings comes together. The main goal of this meeting was to finalize details of the plan, understand how implementation of the plan will work across all grade levels, and incorporate any additional feedback from stakeholders. The finished product from this meeting was taken to the Board of Education in March 23, 2023 for consideration and adoption.

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