
Foundation Officer Duties

President: The President, or in his/her absence, the Vice President, shall preside at all meetings of Directors and shall be the chief elected executive Officer of the Foundation, and in general supervise and control all business and affairs of the Foundation, perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time.

Vice President: In the absence of the President or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all restrictions upon the President.

Treasurer: If required by the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall, at the expense of the Foundation, give a bond for the faithful discharge of his/her duties in such sum and with such surety or sureties as the Board of Directors shall determine. He or she shall: (a) have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Foundation; receive and give receipts for money due and payable to the Foundation from any sources whatsoever and deposit all such moneys in the name of the Foundation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Directors; (b) furnish each Director with a copy of the annual report of audit of the Foundation; (c) sign checks and approve expenditures; and (d) in general perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors. If the Treasurer is unavailable to sign checks or approve expenditures, another individual authorized by the Board may perform these tasks.

Secretary: The Secretary shall: (a) keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors; (b) see that all notices are given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws and as required by law; (c) be custodian of the corporate records and seal of the Foundation and see that the seal of the Foundation is affixed to all documents, the execution of which on behalf of the Foundation under its seal is duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; (d) certify the Bylaws, resolutions of the Board of Directors and any committees thereof and other documents of the Foundation as true and correct copies thereof; and (e) in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may from time-to-time be assigned to him or her by the Board of Directors.

Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Secretaries: The Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Secretaries shall, respectively, if required by the Board of Directors, give bonds at the expense of the Foundation for the faithful discharge of their duties in such sums and with such sureties as the Board of Directors may determine. The Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Secretaries in general shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to them by the Treasurer or the Secretary, respectively, or by the Board of Directors.


Board Member Expectations

Expected to demonstrate genuine interest in the plans and objectives of Woodland Foundation.

Expected to use their time, influence and specialized or professional knowledge for the benefit of the Foundation.

Expected to serve as ambassadors of the Foundation.

Expected to carry out the Foundation’s message to groups and individuals.

Expected to assist in the cultivation and solicitation of selected prospects (donors) based on the needs of the Foundation.

Expected to fully participate as a member of the Board of Directors:

  • Attend monthly board meetings on time

  • Read all material distributed before the meeting in order to come prepared

  • Listen to, understand and respect the contributions of other Directors

  • Respect the discipline of the meeting chair

  • Ask good questions, speak with brevity

  • Support majority decisions

  • Serve as an officer when asked

Expected to participate on at least two committees per year.

Expected to serve as chairman or co-chairman of an event within a three-year commitment.

Expected to assist in the evaluation and coordination of projects and programs undertaken by the Foundation.

Expected to provide financial support (donate) to the Foundation.

Benefits to serving as a member of the Board of Directors:

  • Opportunity to use personal and professional talents

  • Valuable learning experiences

  • Challenges

  • Collegiality and enjoyment

  • Pride in accomplishments achieved on behalf of students

Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Per our Foundation bylaws, each Committee shall be composed of at least three individuals, at least two directors, and a majority of each Committee's membership must be Directors. The Board shall designate the Chairperson of each Committee and shall appoint and remove Committee members in its discretion. Committees shall keep the minutes of their proceedings.

Four major Committees serve the board of directors: Finance, Fundraising, Grant and PR/Communications. Sub-Committees may be formed directly underneath any of these four major committees when deemed appropriate by the Committee Chairpersons. Each Committee shall maintain a set of goals and timelines, meet at least quarterly to work towards fulfilling its responsibilities, and report its progress to the Board of Directors.  

Finance Committee Role
Manage foundation funds, and supporting financial records, from receipt through expenditure in an accurate, compliant, and secure manner. Advise the Board of Directors with respect to the financial policies of the foundation.

Implement and maintain processes, records, and systems to enable the financial functionality of the foundation. Assist in establishing the budget necessary to meet requirements of the foundation’s program of work and determine the ways and means by which budget requirements are met. Assure that the Foundation meets all financial compliance requirements pertaining to 501(c)(3) organizations.

Fundraising Committee Role
Create a realistic, executable, measurable and sustainable campaign for the purpose of raising funds for CCSD#50.

Raise public awareness, develop activities, conduct research and utilize local business, government, community organizations and existing vendor partnerships to help raise money for the Foundation. Communicate internally with District representatives and the PTO to help achieve continuity, consistency and productivity for all activities that are being considered at CCSD #50.

Grant Committee Role
Provide the supplemental resources needed for staff to implement innovative projects that enhance the educational experience of Woodland School District 50 students.  Advise the Board of Directors with respect to the grant policies of the foundation.

Set specific dates for each cycle as it approaches, and communicate dates to staff in a cover letter. Implement and maintain processes, records and systems to enable the committee to make recommendations to WEF Board of Directors regarding grant recipients.  Announce Grant funds disbursed and projects implemented, grants are evaluated and follow-up publicity provided.

PR/Communications Role
Increase awareness and sustain the foundation while also generating support for donations and programs.