Check out our Bus stop information page with stops and estimated bus times. VersaTrans E-Link will give you our most up to date bus route information. Please click the link below and log in. Once you are logged in you will be able to view all of your student's current bus information from the Students - view my students - tab.
Login - Tyler's Versatrans E-Link™
Your Family ID has been setup as your USER ID and PASSWORD.
You should find your Family ID in Family Access Family Access -Student information -Family page.
EXAMPLE log in :
User Name: 1234
Password: 1234
Family ID# 1234
Login - Tyler's Versatrans E-Link™ (Add to your Favorites Bar for easy access)
If this information needs to be updated please fill out a new Bus Sheet by clicking this link: REVISED BUS FORM
We hope you find this new tool very useful. This information is available 24 hours a day. If you have questions please feel free to call us at 847-856-3644 or send us an email at trans@dist50.net.
Don't Lose Your Bus Privilege
Follow These Rules
1. Observe the same conduct as in the classroom.
2. Obey the Bus Driver at all times.
3. Remain seated and keep aisles clear. No walking or changing seats. Assigned seats only.
4. Talk quietly and be courteous. NO profane language.
5. No eating, drinking, smoking, or vaping on the bus.
6. Keep your hands and feet to yourself and inside the bus at all times.
7. Do not be destructive.
8. Bus Driver is authorized to assign seats.