Building Security & Safety Drills

Woodland has comprehensive crisis procedures in place in the event of an emergency, and we maintain consistent communication with the Gurnee Police Department, Gurnee Fire Department, and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office as part of our safety plan. We consider our students to be our most precious resource, and we are committed to providing a safe learning environment for our staff and students.

In addition to our crisis plan, we have safety measures in place to secure our schools. Our buildings are locked, and all visitors must follow our check-in system which requires showing identification. The schools have surveillance cameras to monitor suspicious activity, and we worked with the Village of Gurnee to allow our police department access to these cameras. Woodland school buses are also equipped with cameras and GPS.

Recent Updates:

  • The district added a second Wireless Radio Antennae to increase radio coverage at each school, allowing administrators at different schools to communicate with one another via radio during an emergency.

  • Woodland entered into a partnership with BluePoint Rapid Emergency Response to install Police and Medical pull stations throughout the district for quick one-point notification to emergency responders and building occupants simultaneously.

  • Woodland received the results of our first “safety and security” assessment, completed at the middle school in the spring of 2024, through our STOP Grant partnership with the University of Illinois. This assessment, conducted jointly by District 50 administration, the Gurnee Police Department, and the University’s STOP Grant School Violence team, reviewed six different aspects of school safety and security (both physical and emotional).

We also conduct safety drills during the school year, and Woodland has a relocation plan for moving our students to a safe location in the event of an emergency.

Safety Drills at Woodland D50

  • Fire Drill: Schools must conduct a minimum of 3 school evacuation drills to address and prepare students and school personnel for fire incidents during each academic year.

  • Severe Weather & Shelter-in-Place Drill: Schools must conduct a minimum of one severe weather and shelter-in-place drill to address and prepare students and school personnel for possible tornado or other severe weather events, earthquakes, or hazardous materials.

  • Law Enforcement Drill: The State of Illinois now requires all public schools to educate and conduct a Law Enforcement Drill with students within the first 90 days of school.

  • Soft Lock-Down: A soft lockdown is typically issued when a potential danger/threat is present OUTSIDE the building. A soft lockdown may also apply when school administrators and/or first responders need to keep students and staff in their classrooms and away from an incident or activity. No one is allowed to enter or leave the building except through the front office.

  • Lock-Down: A lockdown is typically issued when an imminent danger/threat is present INSIDE the building or on or near school property. Students are secured in their classroom and in locations throughout the building. No one other than emergency personnel may enter or leave the building until the lockdown has been lifted.

  • Bus Evacuation Drill: Schools must conduct a minimum of one bus evacuation drill during each academic year. This curriculum shall include instruction in safe bus riding practices for all students. All drills shall be conducted at each school building that houses school children.

Students enter the school to start the school day